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I am needing to call a specific webhook based on contents in outlook calendar.  I need it to always be what is currently the active event on the calendar.


So it’s easy if the event starts I then use the “Calendar Event Start”.    But if an event is already going say the event starts at 8AM and ends at 5PM.   Then some time during the day someone changes the name of the event.   I now need the webhook to be triggered.


So to accommodate this I setup another Zapier that triggers on “Updated Calendar Event” and the set a filter to filter out only an event that is going on after the start time and before the end time.   The problem is the event data I end up with is the original series data not the modified data for the current event.


But I need the details of the modified event not the origonal series.

Hi @Mr. Unknown 

The Zap trigger should return the current data about the modified Outlook Calendar Event to use.

For us to have more info, post screenshots showing how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode so we can see the field mappings.
