I have a zap that is working mostly great for a custom SQL Query to Asana tasks. Where I am having a problem is determining what is used as the trigger for a new row for when there is more than one task created in my SQL table.
With the New or Updated Row zap step, you can indicate the trigger column, but for the custom query I want to pull data in from multiple tables. I essentially have an opportunity table and an opptask table, pulling in data from each. I’m pulling in a uniqueid column from opptask as well as the primary key columns (oppnum, tasknum) and I have an ORDER BY on CreateDate which is datetime. To rule out the question, this happens even if the createdate is a separate day entirely.
When we create the first opp task it goes through the zap with no issue. But when we create an additonal task on the same opp, It does not even recognize as a new record. If I go into the edit mode and refresh new records in my SQL step, I do see the additonal task that will not trigger the zap when it’s published. Here is my query in case this helps:
SELECT ot.RowPointer --uniqueid
,TRIM(o.opp_id) AS opp_id --pkcolumn1
,ot.opp_task_num --pkcolumn2
,CASE ot.priority
THEN '748674326485893'
THEN '748674326485895'
ELSE '748674326485894'
END AS TaskPriority
,COALESCE(o.prospect_id, o.cust_num) AS Account
,CASE c.cust_num
THEN 'Prospect'
ELSE 'Customer'
END AS AcctType
,COALESCE(p.company, ca.name) AS AcctName
,u1.Uf_AsanaID AS AssignerAsanaID
,u2.userdesc AS AssignedTo
,u2.emailaddress AS AssigneeEmail
,u2.Uf_AsanaID AS AssigneeAsanaID
WHEN p.Uf_ProspectType LIKE '1%'
OR c.cust_type LIKE '1%'
THEN 'Window & Door Quotes'
WHEN p.Uf_ProspectType LIKE '6%'
OR c.cust_type LIKE '6%'
THEN 'Online Quotes'
ELSE 'OEM Quotes'
END AS Project
WHERE mod = 'Opportunities'
AND value_1 = o.opp_id
THEN 'Docs Attached'
ELSE 'No Docs'
END AS DocsExist
FROM opportunity_task_mst ot
INNER JOIN opportunity_mst o ON o.opp_id = ot.opp_id
LEFT JOIN customer_mst c ON c.cust_num = o.cust_num
AND c.cust_seq = 0
LEFT JOIN custaddr_mst ca ON ca.cust_num = o.cust_num
AND ca.cust_seq = 0
LEFT JOIN prospect_mst p ON p.prospect_id = o.prospect_id
INNER JOIN LAM_Users u1 ON u1.username = ot.createdby
INNER JOIN LAM_Users u2 ON u2.username = ot.OWNER
ORDER BY ot.createdate DESC