
Timestamp field format updated after Zapier was connected.

  • 16 February 2024
  • 1 reply

I have a google form that drops user data into a google sheet.  Google sheet rows start with at timestamp.  My goal is to use Zapier to create a row in a SmartSuite table when a record is created in the google sheet.  I set Zapier to look for a timestamp change/addition and then trigger the zap to add data to SmartSuite.

When I turned on the zap all records added the first day timestamp field changed from the traditional data time stamp to time=now.  There were about 50 records added that day.  Each record’s timestamp updated every minute to reflect the current time.  As a result my trigger that was looking at the timestamp field to initiate the export into SmartSuite fired each minute until my zaps were depleted for the month.  

Since then I updated the timestamps to the correct time.  I wanted to post this message before I turned my zaps back on to see if the issue persist.  Is this a known issue where Zapier may update/change the format of a field (such as the timestamp) in google sheets that is being used as the trigger?  This info may help me to quickly troubleshoot if this occurs again.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
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Hi @MoonPi 

For us to have full context we would need to see screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured.

Help articles for using GSheets in Zaps:
