
ThriveCart error: Unable to load choices. We're having trouble loading 'Product' data.

Im getting the following error: Unable to load choices
We're having trouble loading 'Product' data. Bargle! There was a problem with the data returned from this step! Please contact support.

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @Greenleaf,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

I did some digging into this, and it appears that you've contacted our Support team on two occasions. It seems that you haven't responded to the email they sent you yet. Here are their latest response:

Upon checking, this error can happen when the Thrivecart account is connected to the Zap:

  • is a "sub-user" account
  • it doesn't have access/permission for Thrivecart products
  • it is logged into an affiliate dashboard
Could you please make sure that:
  • You create a new Thrivecart connection, and ensure you are connecting Zapier to your main Thrivecart account: How to Get Started with ThriveCart on Zapier
  • Your account has products in it for purchase
  • You connect your Zap to the new Thrivecart connection 

If you try those steps and are still unable to view any products, please reach out to Thrivecart for them to check your account/product permissions settings:

If you have any other questions, I recommend continuing the conversation with our Support team so that they can take a closer look at the Zap and its logs to determine the root cause of the issue.

Thank you for your understanding.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there,  @Greenleaf! Thanks for reaching out in community - sorry to hear you’re running into this! We definitely want to help.

Are you able to expand a bit more on your zap for us? Knowing the triggers, actions, other apps, and where you’re seeing this error may help the community get more insight for troubleshooting. 🙂

If you’re able to share screenshots (with any personal details removed) of this step that may help as well! Looking forward to digging into this with you!