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The Zap is not creating Outlook Calendar events from Redtail activities

  • 13 June 2024
  • 7 replies

I am trying to create a zap that creates an Outlook calendar event whenever a Redtail activity is created. Setting up the zap, all connections are sound, but when I publish the test it doesn’t work. All tests I’ve done once the zap has been set up don’t work either. Is there a step I’m missing within settings on Outlook directly, maybe? What am I missing?

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @megm 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Zaps work while turned ON for new data going forward and when a Zap fires depends on the trigger type.

Check your Zap Runs for activity:


@Troy Tessalone Here are screenshots of how the zap is configured. It gathered the info just fine from the established connections to my Redtail and Outlook accounts. But the test within the editing process does nothing and then when I published the zap and had it turned on, creating an activity in Redtail did not trigger the zap and create an event in my Outlook calendar.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Show the data returned from the TEST tab section.


Show a screenshot from your Zap Runs:


If the Zap is not firing after turning the Zap ON and testing in Redtail, then you can try reaching out to Redtail Support for help with their Zap app integration.


@Troy Tessalone Here are the other screenshots. Everything says it’s working! Haha

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


In your Zap Runs, click into an individual Zap Run to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you trace and troubleshoot:


The ID is the ID of the Event that was created and the timestamp of when it was created, etc.

You should be able to see the other data points you have configured in the Zap step.



@Troy Tessalone so are you agreeing that from the screenshots I provided, it doesn’t make sense that the zap didn’t work? Is there a setting in Outlook that would need to be updated for this to work? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @megm,

I just came across your post here and wanted to check in here to see how you’re getting on. Are you still running into the same issue here?

Please do let us know if you’re still in need of some help on this at all. Happy to assist further! 🤗
