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My zap needs to take survey responses from HotJar and add them to a google sheet.

It is doing this successfully, but instead of putting the data under the headers, it adds a new first row above the headers and writes the data above them. So the headers are shifted down and remain at the bottom of the list. I can’t seem to fin an option to have it add the new row to row 2.

Hi @InEnsisLapis 

The GSheet needs to be structured a specific way to be used in Zaps.

  • Row 1 with headers
  • Cell A1 needs to have a Header
  • No grouped rows/columns

Thanks Troy,


This worked - specifically I had no headers in cell A1, so moving my headers row to the left to occupy A1 fixed it. 

That’s awesome @InEnsisLapis! A huge thanks to Troy for lending a hand and pointing you in the right direction!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗
