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Text formatter returns 2 emails

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in the following string,06xxxxxxxx,xxxx,,076xxxxxx,xxxxx 


The formatter returns 2 outputs,




Hi @JPBerger 

What is your question?

From the screenshots we can’t tell which Formatter event you are using. (e.g. Text > Extract Email Address)



Using text > extract email address 


There are 2 email addresses in the input string, which is why 2 email addresses were extracted by the Formatter step and returned as an array of items.

Yes there are and I cannot change the input 

But I need to test against each output to update record in hubspot

Hi there @JPBerger,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

You may need to use another formatter step to split the email addresses. Could you please try using the Text in Formatter - Split Text?

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!


You can use the Looping app to iterate thru each:

Action: Looping - Create Loop from Line Items


I tried split text but it does not work 
I cannot change the input that contains 2 emails 


The output on the split  as line items or as fields works but create 2 identical output


And on select text output in the next step, the input contains 2 emails . I tried to split that one again but it does not work - I keep getting a duplicate email output

Thanks for your help



You can use the Looping app to iterate thru each extracted email:

Action: Looping - Create Loop from Line Items

I have a free account 

Loop is a pro feature


Zaps with 3+ Zaps also require a Zapier paid plan, so you even trying to use a Formatter step would require a Zapier paid plan.
