
Test Works But Email Not Sending - Google Sheet Row to Email In Outlook

  • 17 January 2024
  • 6 replies

I had my whole Zap setup working when I was using my personal email address. I didn’t want to use my work email until I had everything working. Once I had it working, I switched my personal Outlook account to be my work email (also Outlook based). I run the test and the email shows up. However, it is no longer sending the email when the row in Google Sheets is created (it previously had been working).

Any ideas why the email test would work but the email would no longer send when the Google Sheet row is created? I looked at the Zapier Google Sheets troubleshooting page and none of those things seem to apply. Zap setup below and I do have a body written in that is not pictured in the screenshot:



6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @AboveTheClouds 

Make sure the set an Outlook Body value as it’s required.


Help article about GSheet triggers:


Make sure your GSheet is configured correctly:


Check your Zap Runs history for activity/issues:

Thanks, as I mentioned in my post, I do have an email body set - it is just not pictured in the screenshot as it contains personal information. As a result, that would not be the issue for the failure to send.

I will look at the links you sent. But I am still confused as to how it would have been working yesterday and now suddenly stopped working but still works when I run the test. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Check to see if Zap 1 is running to first send data to the GSheet.

Help articles for using Outlook in Zaps:

It may be relate to different settings in your Outlook biz email account.

Thanks. The data is definitely getting into Google Sheets just fine. The breakdown occurs after that. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Can you post screenshots with how the top 3 rows of your GSheet are configured?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Here’s a possible workaround.

Use Airtable instead of GSheets.

Airtable Automations have a native integration with Outlook to send emails.

