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Teamwork to Harvest (time) Errors "User not assigned to project, Project doesn't exist, Task doesn't exist"

  • 2 March 2024
  • 9 replies

Hello there,

I’d like time entries in Teamwork to be placed in Harvest.

I have it setup as such:
TRIGGER: Teamwork: New Time Entry
Account: Is connected & getting a time entry

ACTION: Harvest: Create Time Entry
Account: Is connected (to a user that has “Admin” privileges”
I can get this to work if I choose the Harvest PROJECT and TASK (except the time entry goes to my Harvest username)

However, I would like to match to Harvest based on:
PROJECT NAME (Teamwork & Harvest being identical)
TASK LIST (in teamwork) to TASK (in Harvest) - again, name string values (also identical)
» Question 1: If I choose these via CUSTOM, I get the errors:  "User not assigned to project, Project doesn't exist, Task doesn't exist" - Is there a way around this?  (Creating & maintaining a table?  Or maybe creating the Harvest project & task from teamwork via Zapier… would that do mapping?)

AND, I’d like the time to be put to the persons username (not mine) ideally match usernames in each.

Thanks! :)


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9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @brentkobayashi 

For us to have full context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured, thanks.

For sure, thanks Troy,

Here you go:

1. New Time Entry in Teamwork:



2. Create Time Entry in Harvest

This works:
(PROJECT & TASK are manually selected from Harvest)

I’d like to connect PROJECT NAME & TASK using CUSTOM and selecting a teamwork field to match - it _seems_ possible:
For example:

all together, as such:

On test, this produces an error.

Seems clearly because I’m trying to match:
Teamwork “Project Name” to Harvest “Project ID”
Teamwork “To Do List Name” to Harvest “Task ID”

What I think I need is to be able to change it so I can match
Harvest Project Name & Harvest Task Name

At the moment, this looks like a Zapier table is required…?

And lastly, not sure how to set this up so that the time entry connects 
Teamwork User Name to Harvest User Name
(right now, the time gets recorded as myself)

Hoping we don’t have to connect all employees one by one…

Thanks for any thoughts you have!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Help article to reference for mapping dynamic variable values to dropdown fields:


@Troy Tessalone  - that worked brilliantly, thank you!

I can now get time tracked in teamwork into Harvest automatically (and even using the “task list” in teamwork as the task name in Harvest - brilliant (we’re only interested in the bigger budget groupings in Harvest, not all the individual tasks Teamwork has)

NEXT, Do you have any thoughts on how to set this up so that the time entry connects 
Teamwork User Name to Harvest User Name
(right now, the time gets recorded as myself)

The Harvest interface doesn’t seem to have “User” as an option to Find or Write to:

Find options for Harvest Action

The fields available for Create Time Entry do not include the Harvest User:

And lastly,
it seems this is being drawn in from the ACCOUNT level.  My guess is I need to access the API directly, as you indicated in this post:  

Am I correct?

Thanks greatly!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You may have to use an advanced action with the Harvest API:


Hi @Troy Tessalone 

Thank you.  One more question!

Since the pre-built “Harvest: Create Time Entry” doesn’t seem to have an input for “User”, does this entire thing need to be done with API requests (or is there a way to switch the user via API, then run the Harvest Create Time Entry?)


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


I am unsure.

That is something you can try by testing.

Ah, OK - thanks @Troy Tessalone - I’m not that sure how to start this (from a “big picture” perspective).

Userlevel 7
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