
Task usage count seems incorrect for filtered and successful Zaps.

  • 18 September 2023
  • 1 reply


My Zapier account has one active zap, I believe its task usage is counted incorrectly.

The zap starts with a filter which determines whether the zap will be triggered or not. According to zap history, filtered zaps utilise 0 tasks and successful zaps utilise 10 tasks. My total task usage doesn’t add up at all though, some examples over the last few days:

14th Sep
Successful task runs: 2 (10 tasks per zap run)

Task usage for the day: 36 (should be 20)

13th Sep

Successful task runs: 4 (10 tasks per zap run)

Task usage for the day: 60 (should be 40)

I asked Zapier support for help on this one and they’re adamant the numbers are correct. My question is, if each zap run consumes 10 tasks, why is the total usage always higher?

Thanks for your help!

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Dejw 

Good question.

We would need to see more screenshots that show more context. (e.g. Filters)

Such as from your Task Usage tab.


