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Tag Mailchimp subscribers based on data from a previous step

Back again with another question on the mailchimp tags.

I have created a zap that integrates google forms and mailchimp. One of the questions on the form is they subscribe to the newletter. We have however noticed that some people are opting out and we had not put into consideration this as we were setting up the zap. Kindly let me know how to go about this i.e: not assigning the newsletter tag is someone opts out 


Hi @Wangechi,


There are two ways you can get it done:

  1. Using Filter
    1. Make a copy of your current Zap and before the MailChimp action add a filter for both Zaps. The filter in the first Zap will take all the form entries that have the “Opt-in” option Ticked. So first Zap will tag ‘Newsletter” to everyone that has the “Opt-in” ticked.
    2. In the second zap, configure the filter to take only the entries will go that have the “Opt-in” option unticked. In the Mailchimp action page, just remove adding the tag.
  2. Using Path
    1. You can do the same thing with one Zap using Path operation. It’s just the same as the earlier filter configuration.


Quick question though, so will this reflect in the responses that come in after I have set-up the zap? And also, do I need to de-activated the other zap?


I would also like for those that opt put to receive one of the email campaign and only opt-out of the other


Hey @Wangechi! Just stepping in here. Any changes you make to your Zap (ie. adding a Filter step) will affect everything moving forward. It does not get applied retroactively. If you are looking to take different actions based on whether they check the box or not, you might explore adding in a “Path” as they allow you to set up the kind of conditional logic I think you’re asking about. More info on Paths, here:

@jesse, I am still having problem with creating a branching logic. When I set-up the path, the new responses are getting tagged on both options


Hi @Wangechi!

It sounds like there’s something that needs tweaking in the Path rules setup, that’s where you need to add the condition that looks at the opt in field:



If you’ve set that up and are still having some trouble then the best thing to do is to reach out to the Support Team as they’ll be able to dig into your Zap with you. You can contact them using the Get Help form.