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I have two Zaps set up with the ultimate goal of getting Typeform responses moved into a downloadable PDF in Google Drive. The first Zap is running successfully, which is taking Typeform responses and moving them into a template in PDF Filler, then creating a new PDF document with the user’s email address as the file name. 

The second Zap is giving me a headache, and that’s moving that completed PDF from PDF Filler to Google Drive. I can only generate a .txt file in Google Drive, and I do not have the option to select a file as shown in the Zapier documentation. 

This is the same problem described in this form post, but changing that first step isn’t solving my problem. Any help is much appreciated! 

Hi @awilliams 

Good question.

Please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have more context, thanks.

How to use files in Zaps:

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Screenshots in previous comment of each of the two steps for both Zaps, as well as the file options on the Google Drive setup. 


How to use files in Zaps:

This field expects a file object or a file URL instead of the name of the file.


Thanks @Troy Tessalone 

I don’t have any file objects to select -- if you look at the last screenshot of the Google Drive setup, I only have field names to select. This seems like an issue with how the files are being created in PDF Filler, do you see any issues there? 


Use this field:



Wow, don’t know how I missed that. Thank you!

@Troy Tessalone Sorry, one more question here -- once that’s set up, will it only move that specific file, or will it move any new file added? We want to move any new file added but I’m having issues testing that. 


Help article about how to change your trigger test data:

When you have variables mapped between steps that means those data point values will be dynamic.

@Troy Tessalone What should I be setting as the ‘Base Document’ at this step? We have an empty template, which is currently selected, then we have the same file but filled out and named differently, which is the result of our Typeform submissions. 

We want the completed Typeform submissions with the different name to ultimately end up in Google Drive. 



This will need to be the Base Document template you are using in the other Zap.


This is an optional field.


@Troy Tessalone Thank you! One final question -- I’m now seeing submissionf flow from Typeform to PDF Filler to Google Drive, but when they arrive in Google Drive they no longer have a file name. Do you see anything above that would cause that? 


Check your GDrive step.

We’d need to see screenshots with how that step is fully configured in order to advise.

Got it figured out! I appreciate all the help. Thank you!


I have two Zaps set up with the ultimate goal of getting Typeform responses moved into a downloadable PDF in Google Drive. The first Zap is running successfully, which is taking Typeform responses and moving them into a template in PDF Filler, then creating a new PDF document with the user’s email address as the file name. 

The second Zap is giving me a headache, and that’s moving that completed PDF from PDF Filler to Google Drive. I can only generate a .txt file in Google Drive, and I do not have the option to select a file as shown in the Zapier documentation. 

This is the same problem described in this form post, but changing that first step isn’t solving my problem. Any help is much appreciated! 

I do not see the option for "exists but not shown" as an option in my Zaps. Any suggestions on how I could get this?


You can now use It connects directly with typeform and generate PDF (based on the template of your choice) based on the users’ submission.
