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Struggling with an outlook 'custom action' Zap

  • 24 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi all, fairly new to the application but I have lofty goals.

The idea is as follows : 

Read new emails (outlook) as they come in, use AI (Google studio - Gemini)

to categorise the email as bounced, out of office, maternity, interested, not interested

and on the next line summarise the email in 10-15 lines including any important information like alternative email address / dates of the out of office etc…

Once that stuff is done, for testing an monitoring I’ll put the data in a google sheet

And then the bit that won’t work….

Categorise (tag) the email in outlook as Bounce, OutOfOffice etc….


For obvious reasons I need to be able to pass the email ID to the custom action (so it knows which email to tag) I’m using the ID that is provided right at the beginning of the ZAP : 



The ID is being populated in google sheets and is the same


The ID is being rejected : 

I get the following :



I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, I created the same test but without the option of putting in the category, it all was tagged bounce, and that failed too.


Is there a better key field that I should be using? Or is there some sort of formatting issue that I’m not aware of?


3 replies

Userlevel 1

FYI I fixe it - I ended up recreating the custom action and ensuring that I stepped through the whole flow from start to finish to test and also ensured that labels already exists, although I think this was a red herring.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Welcome to the Community, @Mileage! Thanks so much for following up here to share how you fixed it - it’s much appreciated! 🤗

Sounds like you’re all set for now but if anything changes on that just let us know. 

In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡

Salut ça va bien merci 


Moderator Edit to include Google Translation of original message:

Hi, I'm fine, thank you.
