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Status Code 400 - “Resource not found for the segment” error when using contact ID

  • 1 February 2022
  • 6 replies

I’m currently bringing in Contacts and Leads from external sources (For now using Google Sheets for testing) and pushing them into Dynamics CRM. First I create the Contact and then create the associated Lead for that Contact.

When creating the Lead record in one of my Action steps, there is a dropdown field that must be filled “Parent Contact for Lead” which is the foreign key on the Lead record linking it to its associated Contact Record. This field uses Parent Contacts Name in the dropdown to search and link the Parent Contact in the system however also in little greyed out letters has the systems Contact ID (an assortment of characters and numbers) which is used internally to map out the Contact with the Lead. The problem I’m facing is when I use the custom option to dynamically fill this field with its associated Contact Name or even the Contact ID, I’m receiving the error: “Status Code 400 Bad Request” along with the message: “The app returned "Resource not found for the segment 'a9b3b34d-ffd8-4e97-bb1b-38456aab179e'.".

Any help or insight on this would be greatly appreciated.

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Hamilk14 

Please post screenshots of the described issue in your Zap step.


In step 2 I’m finding the associated Contact’s details for the Lead using email as a key field. Then using the contact ID or even full name as mentioned in the thread from step 2 to create the Parent Contact connection for the Lead. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Looks like you are using an older version of the app (1.8.6).

Try updating to the newest Zap app version to see if that helps.


Thanks for that, unfortunately that didn’t do the trick however. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


May be best to open a ticket with Zapier Support for further troubleshooting:

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @Hamilk14! It looks like you were able to get to a solution with our support team so I am going to paste the answer here for anyone else following along:

Adding "/contacts(mergefield)" in the Parent Contact for lead will resolve this error. Example: