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Stan Store to Flodesk Zap: Test leads aren't arriving

Hello! I have been stuck in the same spot for weeks, and its driving me crazy. I have watched you tube videos, and done everything I can think of. I have connected and reconnected stan store and flodesk a ton of times. Stan Store gets my lead, and the flodesk “test” says the lead was sent (and I make sure to use an email already in stan store), but the flodesk test isn’t coming through to my email to show they are connected. I get the green checkmarks and everything, but no emails are distributed. Any suggestions?


Thanks for the help!


11 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @VictoriaMich 

Have you tried turning the Zap ON and testing live?

Then check your Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you trace the data flow and troubleshoot.


If you still need help, post screenshots from the ‘Action’ tab section in your Zap Step 2, so we can see how your Zap step is configured.

Also, post screenshots from your Zap Run.



Userlevel 1

This post has been edited by a moderator to remove personal information. Please remember that this is a public forum and to remove any sensitive information prior to posting.

HI there
Maybe you need go  and Check your email addresses: Make sure you are using the correct email addresses in both Stan Store and Flodesk. Double-check for typos or errors.

if you have any questions or need further assistance.
Best Regards 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @VictoriaMich,

I just came across your post here and wanted to check in here to see how you’re getting on. Are you still running into the same issue here?

Please do let us know if you’re still in need of some help on this at all we’re happy to assist further! 🤗

Hi Ken,


Thank you so much for checking in! I am still running into the same issue. I am worried the trigger is not functioning. The stanstore piece seems to work, but it isn’t sending the lead to my email. When I go to my connections and click “test connection” on my email though, it says its successful. I feel like I need to start from scratch, but when I erase the two connections and reconnect, the triggers are still there. How do I erase the triggers specifically? Or is there another method you suggest?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @VictoriaMich,

Thanks for the update.

Could you please let me know if you have a product selected in the “Product” field in the trigger step? If so, Could you please try removing the selected product and try triggering the Zap again to see if it’ll work?

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!

Hi Ken,


There was a product in there. I removed it as you suggested, and retested the step, but the subscriber was not sent to Flodesk (nor did I get an email notification). What should I try next?


Is there a way to scrub all the data clean and have me start all over?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @VictoriaMich,

You can try deleting your current Stan account in the Apps page here: and try creating a new connection. After that, please test the Zap again.

Additionally, could you please send a screenshot of the “Action” section of your Flodesk step that shows all of its fields? Like so:

(view larger)

Please don't include personal information in the screenshot, or be sure blur out any personal information.

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!


I deleted, and adding StanStore and Flodesk back in. I sent the tests and still am not getting the emails. 


Is this what you wanted to see?


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @VictoriaMich 

Help article from Stan Store that may provide guidance:

Hi @ken.a . Did you get a chance to review my screenshot and see if there was anything glaring you could note as to why my apps wont connect?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @VictoriaMich,

I’m so sorry for the delayed response.

It looks like you might be using the incorrect action here. The “Add Existing Subscriber to Segment” only works for existing subscribers in Flodesk. Could you please try changing that to the “Create/Update Subscriber” instead?

Additionally, you need to map the email data from Stan to the “Email” field of the “Create/Update Subscriber” action.

Hopefully, this helps.
