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SSL error when connecting to DeskPro, any ideas?

  • 27 February 2020
  • 1 reply

We hit an error adding your new account

authentication failed: request to https://<our domain>/api/v2/apps/zapier/ping failed, reason: write EPROTO 139841711089536:error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/s23_clnt.c:802:

  1. Make sure you click "Allow" or "Accept" on the permission popup
  2. Double check your Account has the correct permissions
  3. Check out our help docs for more information

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi there! The first thing to check is whether or not the DeskProp account that you're trying to connect in an admin account? It has to be an admin account in order to be able to connect to Zapier. You can find a few more troubleshooting tips in this guide

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