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Hey there, 
I'm facing an issue with the Squarespace-Slack zap, it's pulling form submission info exactly as planned when i test it, but once i submit a real “Contact Us” form on the website, i don't receive any notifications in Slack channel, it's as if the zap is broken!

Here's a screenshot from within Slack showing that the zap is turned on and working. I even created a new one just now, but the result is same, working just in testing, not with real form submissions.


Hey @Raed_dmmwm ,


Can you share a screenshot your Zap and how did you configured triggers and actions?

Hey @jayeshkumarbhatia
Sure, i’ll try and get you all the screenshots that can help you know how it’s configured, please let me know if you need something more specific.

Please bear in mind that when i do send a test, i receive the Slack channel message exactly as planned. Moreover, it was working for a while with live form submissions but then stopped for no clear reason (nothing that i’m aware of at least)


Hi @Raed_dmmwm 

Help articles for using Squarespace in Zaps:

From experience, the Squarespace Zap trigger for form submissions can be a bit tricky to get working correctly.

It can involve trial and error to dis/connect the Zapier connection in Squarespace before trying to connect again.


Hi @Troy Tessalone 
I disconnected Zapier in Squarespace and re-connected it, and i turned the relevant Zap off and then on as well, i got the same results though.

The weird thing is that when i test the Zap i get the message in Slack, which means the connection is established. However, a real form submission doesn’t send any message, and other Zaps such as the Mailchimp one are working fine for the same form.


You may have to try this workaround:

Store the SS Form submissions into a GSheet.

Then use GSheets New Row as a the Zap trigger.



@Troy Tessalone 

Thank you for suggesting this workaround, it seems weird to take the long road for what should be a 2-way basic Zap, but it worked just fine!
