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Hi everyone! 


I’m hoping someone has a solution for me: I have a couple of Square > GCal zaps. One is that whenever an invoice is created, a gcal event is created for the order pickup date. One is that whenever an order is created, a gcal event is created for the order pickup date. 


It’s misfiring in two ways and I don’t know how to fix it. Suddenly, (even though this has been running for months) its creating a gcal event when an invoice DRAFT is created, which it wasn’t doing before 

Then, the order one is misfiring and telling me that it doesnt have all the information to run the zap, then I look at it and its trying to create a gcal event for invoices, even though its the one for orders. 


Can anyone help? 



Hi @awkwardpastry 

For us to have more info, post screenshots showing how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode so we can see the field mappings.

Also, post screenshots from your Zap Runs history details showing the DATA IN/OUT for the steps:

Here are screenshots for the one I have for orders, and an instance where it misfired and tried and failed to make a gcal event for an invoice. 


For the Zap Run with errors, can you post screenshots showing the DATA OUT from Zap step 1 (Square)?
