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I am looking to integrate square payment to skool course.  My merchant account is square, what i am looking to do is to make a payment in square, in the even I have choose several options to see if things change but is not. One option that I have click is item catolog- then choose my account- item but at the time of the test to choose trigger never should me the option that I am looking for the options are not even items that I have in my catolog. The other option that I got is new purchase, choose my account- then i say complete but it doesnt give me any options as a trigger

I ahve try all forms and options but never give me in the trigger section the correct option. 

What I have to do 

If someone here knows about zapier square payment integration  the skool integration is very easy but the square side is my problem


Hi @georgina36,

I just came across your post here and wanted to check in here to see how you’re getting on. Are you still running into the same issue here?

Please do let us know if you’re still in need of some help on this at all - happy to assist further! 🤗
