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Slack Get Message by Timestamp does not return correct Ts message

  • 26 June 2024
  • 1 reply

HALP! I can’t find what I’m missing. I use Slack Search in previous step to get a message. That message is usually a thread reply but it has both thread_TS and TS value.


The TS should be the parent message for that thread so I then use the Slack Get Message by Timestamp action to do… that.  What is returned is NOT the message with that timestamp TS value.


Instead it seems to be some random message that’s around the same day.  The TS value is not the same, and the output value that matches is “Oldest” which equals the TS value I put in. 


But the “Messages TS” value is no the TS of the message I put in. 


Am I crazy? I expected the TS value I search for to be the TS value of the massage I get back. I’ve checked, and it is not the right Parent message for the thread that comes back. Just some seemingly random post around the same time.


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi there @Akrause! 👋

For threaded messages the parent message’s Message TS field will contain the same value as the Message Thread TS field.

It looks like it found a match for that timestamp in the Oldest field: 

I just tested it and used the timestamp for a parent message and it found the correct parent message: 

It looks like the message it found in your screenshot was for a bot message so I wonder if it matches bot messages differently? 🤔

If you select the Message TS for a different message thread that doesn’t have a bot message in it does that find the correct message?

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!
