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SignNow "Completed Document" trigger not working without specific template selected

  • 21 August 2024
  • 9 replies

I am using SIgnNow “Completed Document” as a trigger for multiple paths and tasks. 

Originally, the intent was to keep the Template selection for the document empty so it captures all completed templates and uses the path feature to filter by template name containing keywords (since templates change over time and I’d prefer not to have to update multiple zaps each for every template version).

During the initial setup and testing phase, I kept the template selection clear as described. I was able to pull in records from multiple templates on the trigger test step ans build out the rest of the zap.

After setting the zap live, I attempted a “live” test and found that none of the completed templates were triggering the zap.

After more testing, it appeared that I could only get the trigger to fire if I manually selected a template in the zap trigger (which is what I was trying to avoid).

Any ideas as to why an empty template field is not pulling in all completed docs?

If it makes a difference, I am using a generated invite link for people to sign with.


Hey @CMF ,


Can you share a screenshot on how did you setup your trigger? Also please reestabish  SignNow connection on Zapier and let me know if that works or not.

Hi @CMF 

Zap trigger: SignNow - Document Completed

Description: Triggers when all signers have filled in and signed the document.

When testing, did all the signers complete the document?

SignNow help link for using their app in Zaps:


Hey @jayeshkumarbhatia, not sure exactly what you’d like to see but heres the screenshot of the primary settings for the trigger


Hey @Troy Tessalone thanks for your response as well.

I only have 1 signer on the doc (2 signature fields).

I thought that might be an issue originally with the share link (instead of the invite directly to the signers email). But as I mentioned, it works when I choose a template as a trigger so that doesn’t seem to be the issue.

I’ve also read the blog you’ve provided and don’t see anything that might shed more light on the problem. 

Any ideas?


You can try reaching out to SignNow Support or Zapier Support for possible help troubleshooting.

You might have to set the Template field and use 2 Zaps.

You can easily duplicate the Zap and delete a Path.

@Troy Tessalone thats what I have done for the time being, but doing it this way requires you to update each zap, every time an update is made to the template.

I will reach out to Zapier support to see if they have any info. 

Open to any additional ideas in the meantime. 


Thanks everyone.


Look into using SignNow webhooks:


Zap trigger: Webhook - Catch Hook

This will generate a unique webhook URL to configure in SignNow.

@Troy Tessalone Thanks for the suggestion.

After speaking with someone from Zapier, they recommended I 

  1. Reconnect the SignNow app from INSIDE the zap editor. I had previously reconnected, but from the apps → integration settings area
  2. Turn off the zap for a few seconds then turn it back on

Weirdly enough, that worked


I’ll also note that right before talking to Zapier support, I tried retesting and got an authentication error of some kind when trying to publish. It persisted until I refreshed which is when I got a notification that there was an update for the SignNow App. I selected to use the updated version, but even after doing so it still wasnt working (until i followed the support reps 2 steps. Not sure if there was any connection there, but thought i would mention it.


Thanks for your time

That’s awesome news @CMF! 🎉 I’m so glad the Support team were able to help get this sorted. Thank you so much for following up here to share what the solution was - we really appreciate it! 🧡

Seems like you’re all set for the moment but please do reach out again if you need any help in future. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️
