So I’ve got a Zap that loops line items from Shopify orders. It mostly works as expected, except for the tax lines, which I believe is a slight bug / limitation of the way the looping works and I’m wondering if anyone has a good workaround?
As you can see in the screenshot below, my data gets input into the loop correctly (loop_values). But then when it comes to actually loop it, the isn’t looped and neither is the I believe this is because that data comes from a loop within a loop - the data structure looks like this:
line items > 1 (first loop) > tax_lines > 1 (second loop) > price_set > shop_money > amount
As you can see, there’s a loop within a loop there with tax_lines also potentially having multiple lines (although in my case there’s actually only one line there). It only happens to tax_lines because the other data structure looks like this:
line items > 1 (first loop) > price_set > shop_money > amount
There’s only 1 loop. So I believe Zapier is getting confused with line items within line items and looping the wrong one for the tax_lines. I believe this to be a bug / limitation of the way Zapier works with line items, but is there a workaround? Nest loops might do it, but that isn’t allowed on Zapier.