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I use “Create Product” to build out a product in Shopify.  Until today everything had worked as expected for 8 years. Recently it seems that a change to the field options has removed the following for the “Create Product” action.


Inventory policy:


Publish to POS:

Img SRC: 


I received errors in the product build today and when I went to look in the edit options for the fields these items were not in the “Remove Extra Fields” space at the bottom of the editor. 

Additionally, there was a change the a Product ID stopped being just the ID and began to output gid://shopify/Product/80268658##### instead of 80268658#####.


-The Trigger for this comes from Airtable: New Record

-I do use variants for products and have not since the begining. They are not needed as there is only one product option. 


How do I create a product with those fields set since they have been removed? 

Do I have to create an API Request for them specifically now?

Any help or insights would be appreciated. 

I created a custom action that fixed this issue for me. If anyone needs it please let me know. 



Thanks for letting us know, ​@BDonk! So pleased you were able to sort it with a custom action! 👏

I can see that you reached out to the Support team and they added you to a bug report for this issue with Shopify’s Create Product action missing those fields now. We can’t make any promises around when it’s be fixed but we’ll be sure to email you when it is!

In the meantime, we’d love it if you could share a screenshot of your setup for the custom action. I’m sure others would love to be able to see how you tackled it and give it a try themselves. Make sure to blur or remove all personal information (names, emails, addresses etc.) from screenshots before sharing - you can use a tool like Zappy for that.

Thank you so much for offering to help out—love to see such great community spirit! 🧡

Hey there, ​@BDonk 👋

Just following up to share that the issue with the missing fields on Shopify Create Product actions has been resolved! 🎉

There’s no immediate need to switch from using that Custom Action if you’re happy with it. But if you do give that the Create Product action another try and run into any further issues with it just let us know.

In the meantime, happy Zapping! 😁⚡️
