I’m sure this is a super simple thing that I am missing but I’ve spun my wheels on it for a moment now.
I am setting up an integration with Shipstation to parse in order info to Zapier Tables. I have an order table that I want to create an entry for each item in any orders we receive. If an order is received with 3 items then create 3 entries on the orders table with common fields shared on each entry and then looping through the individual items in the order for the 3 entries, e.g. size, color, personalization.
When I setup the trigger and view the test data it is nicely formatted in a way I can easily loop through it and do things, screenshot attached of the relevant section. The items are split up into 1,2,3,etc

When I try to use the item options fields in a step immediately after all of the options are run together on a single comma separated line. This wouldn’t be a massive issue to format back out but one of the options is a free type field where customers can enter commas as part of the personalization, so it makes breaking the field back into line items tricky.
Here is the next step, notice all of the previous broken out item options are now all combined.

So my question/need is, how do I get the info in the same format it is originally displayed in during the initial test steps?