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Sending automatic e-mails to multi-vendor marketplace partners

Hi there!

I own a platform that uses Ticket Tailor to sell tickets for activities. The platform acts as a marketplace, so I am not the organizer myself. I just get reservations on behalf of a lot of organizers, that want to receive their customers’ information asap after booking.

I don't want to manually forward all e-mails to each organizer, risking that some lastminute reservations will arrive to late with them or they get overbookings. So my goal is to automate the forwarding of customer data to the correct organizer.

That means depending on the event, the information should be sent to a different organizer.

Here's what I tried (and failed with):

  1. Use a Zap to create rows in Google Sheets for every new reservation in predefined columns. And by using conditional formatting (eg. “If this is the name of the event, then fill in that e-mail address in this row). I couldn't find out how to do this with Zapier.
  2. I've tried to work without Zaps by just creating filters in Gmail and forwarding emails selectively based on keywords that are written in the subject line. I created one zap per activity and forward those emails based on their subject line. This is very time consuming, and as it seems, sensitive to errors (if the subject line is too specific, it doesn't send the email. If it's too vague, it sends multiple emails)

I was wondering if I am overlooking some simple way of doing this, but I can't figure it out. Anyone has any idea what I could do to forward to multiple e-mail addresses, depending on the order?

Any suggestions are more than welcome.

Kind regards


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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Mindcelium 👋🏽 Thanks for stopping by!

Question: where is the customer information currently routed?

I wonder if you could trigger off new information being received (in Google Sheets maybe), then use Paths to set up specific email actions depending on the customer data. 

Let us know if that would do the trick!

Userlevel 1

Hi Liz,

I think I got it working now. After I wrote my message in the community I got a recommendation of Zapier to check out their filters. So I did and I actually think it's what I was looking for. 

Basically I let Zapier send all new reservations to every organizer. But thanks to the filters, I can tell Zapier to only send them when the name of an event contains certain keywords that I know are unique to a certain activity. 

This way I’ll have to create one Zap for every organizer and filter for the name of their event, but it's a lot easier to let Zapier do all the heavy lifting than to let everything flow through Google Sheets first. Also some organizers host multiple activities and this way I can just keep adding extra filters within the same Zap.

I díd make a nicely working Google Sheets document for my own administration with your help, so thanks for that!


Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Woohoo! Nicely done, @Mindcelium - thanks for the update! ⚡