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Could you help me with this Zap?

When I receive an email in Gmail (I'm using workspace) that has more than 1 attachments, send them to an email address but ONLY the PDFs, not jpg, png...

I can't get it to only send the pdfs. It sends them all to me when an email attaches different types of files. 

1) Created the zap with the receive attachment trigger in Gmail.
2) Filter: If it does’t have pdf, it does’t continue (it works) / If it have 1 pdf, it works / if it has pdf+jpg+png… it sends all of them
3) I send email with GMAIL and in the attachment I put "Attachment: (exits but not shown)"
4) I always receive all attachments.

From what I see, it executes the flow 1 time for each attachment that the email contains, because in the zap history I see each of the attachments as Success. If there were 3 attachments with pdf, jpg and png, run once for the pdf, once for the jpg and once for the png.

Since it is filtered, I think the problem is in the last step, that you do not have to choose "Attachment: (Exists but not shown)", but I don't know how to do it. 


Hi @juankibcn 

Help us have more info by posting screenshots showing how your Zap Filter step is configured in EDIT mode.

Make sure to map the variable that references “attachment” (SINGULAR).

Hi @Troy Tessalone 

You said something very important: SINGULAR.
I was using a plural field!
Thank you very much.

Hi @juankibcn,


Wow! Thank you for confirming that Troy’s resolution got the Zap running. This will significantly help our Community members to have as a reference for the same issue.