**EDIT/UPDATE** I think part of the issue is my field in Airtable is a formula so I need to use Search Formula in Zapier. I am having some trouble understanding how to write this correctly. Currently I have…
{Client Name}="<TriggerValue>5. Output: Rachael Risch <TriggerValue>& " - " & DATETIME_FORMAT({Session Date}="<TriggerValue>3. Output:10/12/2022<TriggerValue>, 'MM/DD/YYYY')
And my formula in Airtable is…
{Client Name} & " - " & DATETIME_FORMAT({Session Date}, 'MM/DD/YYYY')
I am trying to use Zapier to find a listing on Airtable and in the test it keeps returning that it can’t find anything but the data I want it to grab is exactly the same as what it’s searching for. Any guesses why it is not able to pull it in??
Pic #1 What I am trying to build that is returning nothing
Pic #2 The listing it should be able to pull