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trying to bring company name from SF into Quickbooks when creating an invoice. The field has been in SF for weeks and I have “refreshed fields” in zapier multiple times.

This is the Company name in SF


this is the action step:

 there is no match in the drop down options.

The field in not new in SF and I have refreshed multiple times - any other ideas?


Hi @PinMaker 

Good question.

Is the Company field in Salesforce linked to the Company Object?

Does the Zap return the linked Company ID?

If yes, then try adding a Zap action: Salesforce - Find Record (search by Company ID)


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its related to the Contact (not company). its all the contact detais (name email address etc) that need to be shown on the invoice.

Thanks - this is the step before the action.



Are you finding a Contact record that has a value populated for the Company field?

Not sure If I understand…

I am finding the contact record and all the populated associated fields (name. email, address)

I know that the contact also has a company name in the company name field in SF

But I cant find the company name field in the activity list.

The only thing i see different in the SF contact record is the color of the font… with the company name being in black and the other fields in blue…..




Try searching for the company value when trying to find the variable to map.

The internal field name could be different than “Company”.

How do I do that?


Same as when trying to map a dynamic variable.

You can search for the variable name or the value of the variable.

So if you know the Company Name for the Contact is XXX, then search for XXX.


In the activity step,

in the create QB customer if one doesnt exist step

I’ve entered a number of diff company names in the insert data field - none show up (hard to take a screenshot of the drop down for some reason)…. I get ‘No matches found for XXX” - channel in this example. I have a contact with a company name of channel XXXXXX



Hi @PinMaker!

I think when Troy said to search for the field, he meant the name of the field (eg company) not the contents of it (eg channel xxx)


If you can’t find company name there, it may be best to contact the Support team to help with this as they can look at your Zap with you. You can link to this post to show them:

  • The fields associated with the contact object (ie that company is associated with the contact object and that it’s a text field)
  • That the contact that was found in the Salesforce step does have data in the company field


I’m sorry that we weren’t able to get to the bottom of this one with you on the community, sometimes it’s too tricky when we can’t see everything that’s happening in the Zap. 


​I hope that's clear, please let us know if you have any questions!
