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I have a Zap where i use GPT to analyze an image.

  1. Trigger, updated row in google Sheet


  2. Task: Describe image
  3. Done: Update the same row, I´m using the same Row ID as in the first step.


Whats wrong? The summary ends up on the next row. So if the image is at row 981, the summary ends up at 982.

I can see in the input/output that it ends up one the next row, but can not understand why. 


In the file:

In the Output:


Hi @midorimiab 

Show screenshots of the DATA IN tab from the same Zap Run where it updates the GSheet row.

For a Zap Run, best to show screenshots of the DATA IN/OUT for each step so the data flow can be traced across steps.


Hi Troy and thabks for the help. 

Here us the in/out for all steps:



That Zap Run example was triggered by row 7 and updated row 7.

That appears to be working as expected to update the row that triggered the Zap.

@Troy Tessalone 


Thank you for the reply. 


The issue is that the image that is described is on the row above. If you see in my first post image, 2149, appears on row 6, but the output comes out at row 7. 

It feels like the issue is in the first step of the zap, butI can not understand what. 






@Troy Tessalone


Thank you for the reply. 


The issue is that the image that is described is on the row above. If you see in my first post image, 2149, appears on row 6, but the output comes out at row 7. 

It feels like the issue is in the first step of the zap, butI can not understand what. 






Hi @Troy Tessalone , or anyone else.


Any other ides why the rows gets mixed up?
All help is highly appreciated!


From the screenshots for your specific Zap Run example, the row that triggered the Zap to run was Row 7.

Then in Step 4, the Zap updated the same Row 7, so the Zap is working to update the same row that triggered the Zap to run.

I recommend checking other Zap Runs to see the row IDs used in the Zap steps as that is the actual data that was processed by the Zap.


The part that gets wrong is initially, the actual image that is analyzed is not on row 7, its on row 6. The same goes for any image in the document. 


This is how it looks:


In the file, image 2145 occurs on row 6:

The description of this image, no 2149, ends up in row 7. The row below. 


So for each image, 1500 reads in the sheet. With 15+ columns of metadata if the product, the title and summary of the product image end up on the wrong row. 

Hi @midorimiab Would it be an issue with the header? And what is the “trigger column” you used for Step 1? 

Hi @fiona819 and @Troy Tessalone 

I've tried all the tips and tricks, but nothing seems to work. Would anyone be available for a short Teams or Zoom session where I can share my screen? I'm happy to pay for your advice and time.




If you are looking to hire help, check the directory of Certified Zapier Experts:


If you are looking to hire help, check the directory of Certified Zapier Experts:

Thanks, I had a look there before, but it seems like all options are project-based with a minimum spend. I just need someone to have a quick look at my zap and identify the mistake. But I will keep looking. 




Perhaps record and share a video link that shows more context about your Zaps and Zap Runs.
