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The new trigger for quickbooks online no longer triggers when the bool IsProject = true parameter is returned.

The new customer trigger would run every time wether this bool was true or false which gave the user the ability to filter them out. Currently there is no such ability in the new instant trigger.

The functionality for this used to exist in the previous deprecated version which polled the QBO Online API every two minutes.

I would like this functionality back please. This currently breaks zapier for me in a bad way.

Hi @SeanWilson 

Best to submit feedback and feature requests in a ticket to Zapier Support:


Try adding a this as Zap step 2: QBO - Find Customer



Try adding a this as Zap step 2: QBO - Find Customer


You cannot run a second step because the zap never triggers in the first place. Usually doing a find function after an initial trigger is a first step in troubleshooting process.

That’s correct, @SeanWilson. If the Zap isn’t triggering then you wouldn’t be able to use a Find Customer action to look up any missing information. 

I did some checking and can see that you also reached out to the Support team about this and it seems they’re going to be opening a feature request to have the previous functionality restored. They’ve not had a chance to respond to your latest message yet but I’m sure they’ll be in touch soon!

Please do keep us updated on how you get on with the Support team and feel free to reach back out here if there’s anything else we can help with in the meantime. 🙂

Is there going to be a fix coming for this?  This is a significant bugger for us as well, as I can’t trigger apps if a Subcustomer or Project is created.  

Hi @jgerbs16,

It looks like @SeanWilson has been in touch with our Support Team, and they have created a report to address the issue. I suggest contacting our Support Team to create a report for your concern as well.

You can reach our Support Team here:

I appreciate your patience and understanding.

Hi everyone, the trigger that polls every 2 minutes for a new customer has now been reinstated. I have been able to test it and have found that it does indeed work like it always did.

You should be able to revert to the old version of this trigger.
If not, you can reach out to support.


I know how they did it too, its the reason I use Zapier for things like this tbh. QBO has a webhook trigger on new events. However it is up to you to filter them down to customers. I suspect the filter that zapier put in their app didn’t filter for the customer ‘object’ but rather further filtered down to what they thought a customer should be.

The good news is they can add a trigger for ‘new project’ and do the same thing on the customer object but simply set the trigger to run on customer objects where isProject = true

@SeanWilson I still only see the instant trigger for New Customer trigger event, any idea how to access the polling trigger?  If not, I’ll reach out to support directly.  I could also use the webhook trigger and see if that works now.  


I eagerly await a ‘New Project’ trigger event!!

The support team must have replaced it. Reach out to them but it takes days to sort out haha

Hi @jgerbs16 👋

In ​​​@SeanWilson’s case the previous “polling” version of the New Customer trigger was made available to them. I can see that you’ve reached out to our Support team as well to gain access to the old version of the trigger, but it doesn’t look as though they’ve had a reply back from you. If you can’t see their reply in your email inbox, I’d recommend searching your spam/junk folder or searching your inbox for any emails from in case it’s been misplaced. 

Please do report back here to let us know how you get on with them, keen to ensure this gets sorted!

Hi @SamB , the support ticket misunderstood my issue.  They seemed to think my issue was triggering a zap when a new customer was created during the Create Project process.  My issue is I can’t trigger a zap when a new Project is created.  I replied with clarification and await further response. 

They did the exact same thing to me too lol. Sent me a video and everything. I even game them the api parameters, json and screenshots and they still get it wrong.

basically we know that this will therefore never be fixed because Zapier doesn’t understand their customers and therefore the value that zapier brings in their product.

therefore we will continually get new ‘features’ which are disguised as downgrades.

Sorry to hear that the Support team misunderstood the issues you were both experiencing with the New Customer trigger @jgerbs16 and @SeanWilson.

I’ve been digging in to this and it seems that the previous trigger was unintentionally also able to trigger for new projects as well as new customers, but the new version of the new customer trigger is only capable of triggering on new customers. Which is the expected behaviour for a New Customer trigger, but as you were using the previous trigger for new projects this new version of the trigger doesn’t meet your needs. I’m really sorry about that! 

My issue is I can’t trigger a zap when a new Project is created.  I replied with clarification and await further response. 

We’ve got an existing feature request for the ability to trigger on new QuickBooks Online projects which was originally discussed over here:

You’ve both had your votes added to that feature request to help increase it’s priority. While I can’t give any estimate as to when it may be added we’ll be sure to send you both and email notification as soon as it is. 

In the meantime @jgerbs16, I’ve reached out to the developers on your behalf to ask about granting you access to the old version of the New Customer trigger while we wait on that New Project trigger to be added. I’ll follow up here once I hear back on that.

You guys just honestly do not understand the apis you’re working with.


a project IS A CUSTOMER.

look up the api docs yourself if you dont believe me.

a project is a customer object with isProject=true

Thanks for following up here, @SeanWilson.

a project is a customer object with isProject=true

Projects are not fully supported in QuickBook’s API currently. As I understand it a project is not a customer object but QuickBooks do allow projects to be accessed (read only) through their existing customer API. Which is likely why that isProject setting is present on the customer objects as customers can be associated with projects. 

To give some further context, the new version of the New Customer trigger is a different type of trigger. An instant trigger, so it will only run for the information it receives from QuickBooks and customer objects with that isProject set to true aren’t being sent over when Zaps are running.

Whereas the old version of the New Customer trigger was a polling trigger where we made regular requests to QuickBooks to look for new customer objects. And that trigger wasn’t limited to only pull objects where the ‘isProject’ setting is marked as false. The ability to trigger on these projects was not the original intention of the New Customer trigger as far as I know. So a separate feature request was created for a “New Project” trigger that would run specifically when new projects are added in Quickbooks.


Update Sept 30, 2024 to clarify: QuickBooks does consider Projects and Customers to be the same object type in some ways but the webhook notifications for the newer version of the new customer trigger don't support project types of customers.

@SamB It would help us a lot if I could get access to the old trigger until the new feature request is built.  Can you keep me posted on this?  

Much appreciated!

Hi @SamB I reported this as false and misleading information. You can check the qbo api docs themselves:

you can see that their example of what is a customer in the customer object explanation specifically includes ‘jobs’

a customer object can either be a customer, sub customer or job, as per the api docs:

Use the Customer resource to create parent customer objects, sub-customer objects, and job objects according to your business requirements. Use the ParentRef and Jobattributes in the customer object to designate whether the object is a parent, nested job or nested sub-customer.

  • First, create parent customer objects: Set Job to false (default) and do not define ParentRef.
  • Then, create sub-customer and job objects: Set Job to true and set ParentRefto reference parent customer object.

Going forward, specify an individual parent customer object, sub-customer object, or job object in sales transactions via the transaction's CustomerRef attribute, based on your business requirements.See QuickBooks product documentation for more about sub-customers and jobs.



Apologies for the delay in my reply here folks! 

@SeanWilson - please know that my intention is never to spread false or misleading information. I’ve just had it confirmed from the team on our end that QuickBooks does consider Projects and Customers to be the same object type in some ways, and that the webhook notifications for the newer version of the new customer trigger don't support project types of customers. I misunderstood and thought they were still separate entities and that QuickBooks did allow projects to be read via their API’s customer endpoints - totally my bad! I’ll keep my previous reply here visible so folks coming across the thread in future can have full context of the discussion held here.

@jgerbs16 - the team have just shipped a brand new trigger that will specifically trigger for new projects added in QuickBooks:

If you can’t see that New Project trigger available in your Zaps then you may need to upgrade your Zaps to run the latest version of the QuickBooks app on Zapier.

Hope that helps to get everyone’s Zaps back on track! If you run into any issues with it or there’s anything else we can assist with please do reach out in the Community or get in touch with Support

Until then, happy Zapping! ⚡️