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Is anyone else experiencing that the PushPress integration’s “new person” trigger is broken and doesn’t ever trigger anything despite being properly connected? The tests work and all, but new contacts come into the tests, but the Zap, which is on and ready to go is never triggered by new persons.

No help from Zapier’s support on this one… Curious if other people have the same issue, or found some way to make it work.

Hi @tven 

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Is anyone else experiencing that the PushPress integration’s “new person” trigger is broken and doesn’t ever trigger anything despite being properly connected? The tests work and all, but new contacts come into the tests, but the Zap, which is on and ready to go is never triggered by new persons.

No help from Zapier’s support on this one… Curious if other people have the same issue, or found some way to make it work.

@tven did you get this sorted? I am having the same issue. 


Hi @tven and @KBurrows,


We identified this as a bug with Pushpress integration. We're currently communicating with Pushpress developers to fix the issue. Still, we could add you to the list of affected users for now, so you'll get notified once an update is available. We are not able to get any ETA since it was forwarded to the developers. We will send a corresponding email once an update is ready.
