Hi, i’m having erros trying to call Twilio API Request, the error that appears is “{"code":21604,"message":"A 'To' phone number is required.","more_info":"https://www.twilio.com/docs/errors/21604","status":400}”.
I tried a lot of forms to add the ‘TO’ Parameter without result.
I attach the configurations of the step
Thank you for your help.
Best answer by SamB
Hey folks,
Just circling back in here to share that the Twilio app now supports WhatsApp messages! 😁 🎉
Thanks so much for your patience on this. We hope you’re able to give this new functionality a try soon!
As the feature was implemented we’ll be closing out this topic. If you run into any issues with it, feel free to start a new topic or reach out to our Support team directly and we’ll be happy to assist. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡
201 - CREATED - The request was successful. We created a new resource and the response body contains the representation. { "account_sid": "AC00812c3f10e0864cfa0b91f3a921de48", "api_version": "2010-04-01", "body": "Your appointment is coming up on July 21 at 3PM", "date_created": "Fri, 09 Aug 2024 21:35:09 +0000", "date_sent": null, "date_updated": "Fri, 09 Aug 2024 21:35:09 +0000", "direction": "outbound-api", "error_code": null, "error_message": null, "from": "whatsapp:+XXXXXXXXXX", "messaging_service_sid": null, "num_media": "0", "num_segments": "1", "price": null, "price_unit": null, "sid": "SM8e1bd585b5ddb3d045553b5289a08b1e", "status": "queued", "subresource_uris": { "media": "/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC00812c3f10e0864cfa0b91f3a921de48/Messages/SM8e1bd585b5ddb3d045553b5289a08b1e/Media.json" }, "to": "whatsapp:+XXXXXXXXXXXX", "uri": "/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC00812c3f10e0864cfa0b91f3a921de48/Messages/SM8e1bd585b5ddb3d045553b5289a08b1e.json" }
I did some digging and found an existing feature request for the ability to support sending WhatsApp messages via the Twilio app, so that may be why it’s not working. I’ve gone ahead and added your vote to that feature request. While we can’t make any promises around when/if it will be implemented we’ll be sure to send you an email notification once it is.
Llevo 2 semanas tratando de enviar mensajes whatsapp con zapier a través de twilio y tengo los mismos errores que uds mencionan. Tendrán la estructura final?
Se habrá solucionado? de lo contrario, alguien me puede recomendar otra herramienta de reemplazo?
Moderator edit to include Google Translation of original message:
Hi, how are you?
Has anyone finally found a solution to this?
I've been trying to send whatsapp messages with zapier through twilio for 2 weeks and I have the same errors that you mention. Do you have the final structure?
Has it been solved? If not, can anyone recommend me another replacement tool?
I’ve added your vote for this feature request, and we’ll notify you via email once an update is readily available. Meanwhile @SamB found a post on Stack Overflow here that gives details of how to do it using a Webhooks action in a Zap: Might as well give it a try while waiting for the update with the request?
Just circling back in here to share that the Twilio app now supports WhatsApp messages! 😁 🎉
Thanks so much for your patience on this. We hope you’re able to give this new functionality a try soon!
As the feature was implemented we’ll be closing out this topic. If you run into any issues with it, feel free to start a new topic or reach out to our Support team directly and we’ll be happy to assist. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡