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Problem API Chat GPT

  • 22 August 2024
  • 3 replies

Hello community,

I am currently experiencing an issue with one of my ZAPs. The conversation with ChatGPT via the API is not going through, and I keep receiving an error message regarding the delay.

- When I test the action independently, it works without any issues, and I receive a response from ChatGPT quickly.
- I have checked the connection between Zapier and ChatGPT, which seems to be working correctly. I also tried changing the API key, but it did not resolve the problem.
- I checked the OpenAPI log, and no issues were reported on August 22, 2024, the date I am writing to you.

Could you please provide an explanation or solution to this problem? Thank you in advance for your help.


Hi there @Maxxxxx,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

I did some digging into our notes, and it seems like in certain combinations of factors, this delay can be up to 18min (1089 seconds) due to mechanisms in the code and how Relay resumes the action. When a Zap has numerous Paths that contain ChatGPT steps, and ChatGPT API uses the callback function built into that integration to send a response at a later time; this kicks off some internal processing that can lead to a lock enforced of up to 1089 seconds, a mechanism built in to prevent replays from failing.

Hopefully, this helps.

Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse. Malheureusement, le Zap reste bloqué plus de 18 minutes ; il se bloque systématiquement aux étapes liées à ChatGPT. Ce qui est étrange, c'est qu'il ne se bloque pas toujours au même endroit. Un indice possible : il se bloque toujours aux étapes "conversation avec ChatGPT" et jamais aux "conversations avec un assistant ChatGPT".


Moderator Edit to include Google Translation of original message:
Thank you very much for your reply. Unfortunately, the Zap remains stuck for more than 18 minutes; it systematically crashes at the steps related to ChatGPT. The strange thing is that it does not always crash at the same place. A possible clue: it always crashes at the steps "conversation with ChatGPT" and never at the "conversations with a ChatGPT assistant".

Hi @Maxxxxx,

Thanks for the update here.

It seems like you might have encountered a bug. I suggest getting in touch with our Support Team to delve deeper into the issue with your Zap and its logs. Our Support Team has the necessary tools to investigate this further.

You can contact our Support Team at the following link:

Thanks for your patience and understanding.
