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Hi @soham 

Help links for PostgreSQL:

still not working getting same error created a database with specific user and id password and followed this steps

  1. Create a New Database:

    • Run the following command to create a new database (e.g., gocardless_test):


      Copy code

      CREATE DATABASE gocardless_test;

    • Press Enter.
  2. Verify Database Creation:

    • To list all databases, run:


      Copy code


    • You should see gocardless_test in the list.
  3. Exit PostgreSQL Shell:

    • Type \q and press Enter to exit the PostgreSQL shell.

2.2 Create a User for Zapier

  1. Access PostgreSQL Shell Again:

    • Type:


      Copy code

      psql postgres

    • This brings you back to the PostgreSQL interactive shell.
  2. Create a New User:

    • Run the following command to create a new user for Zapier (replace your_password with a strong password):


      Copy code

      CREATE USER zapier_user WITH PASSWORD 'your_password';

    • Press Enter.
  3. Grant Permissions:

    • Grant the new user access to the gocardless_test database:


      Copy code

      GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE gocardless_test TO zapier_user;

    • Press Enter.
  4. Exit PostgreSQL Shell:

    • Type \q and press Enter to exit the shell.

Step 3: Configure PostgreSQL for Remote Access

3.1 Edit PostgreSQL Configuration

  1. Locate Configuration Files:

    • The main PostgreSQL configuration file (postgresql.conf) is typically located in /usr/local/var/postgres/.
  2. Open Configuration File:

    • Use a text editor (e.g., nano) to open the file:


      Copy code

      nano /usr/local/var/postgres/postgresql.conf

  3. Modify Listen Addresses:

    • Find the line that starts with #listen_addresses and change it to:


      Copy code

      listen_addresses = '*'

    • This allows PostgreSQL to accept connections from any IP address.
  4. Save Changes:

    • Press CTRL + X, then Y, and then Enter to save the changes and exit.

3.2 Edit pg_hba.conf for Client Authentication

  1. Open pg_hba.conf:

    • Open the file using nano:


      Copy code

      nano /usr/local/var/postgres/pg_hba.conf

  2. Add Remote Access Configuration:

    • At the end of the file, add the following line to allow access from all IP addresses (you can also restrict this to specific IPs later):


      Copy code

      host all all md5

    • This allows all users from any IP to connect to any database using password authentication.
  3. Save Changes:

    • Press CTRL + X, then Y, and then Enter to save and exit.

3.3 Restart PostgreSQL

  1. Restart PostgreSQL:
    • In the Terminal, run:


      Copy code

      brew services restart postgresql

Hi @soham,


We apologize for the inconvenience. Kindly contact our support team for further investigation with the issue. You can reach our support team via this link:
