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Post in no admin Facebook Groups

  • 27 February 2023
  • 4 replies

Good morning. I would like to know if it is possible for my new posts to be automatically shared in facebook groups in which I am not an admin.

I tried with the zap template but it gives me error 200 saying that I don't have the app installed in the group.


Anyone can help me ?

Hi @nahuelta22 

Good question.

You need to be the owner/admin of the FB Group:


Connect to Facebook Groups on Zapier

Facebook Groups uses Oauth to authenticate your account on Zapier.

  • Log into Facebook Group to authenticate.
  • Grant Zapier permission to access your account if prompted to.

About Facebook Groups' app

Are self-hosted or cloud-hosted accounts supported? Cloud-hosted accounts  
Is a paid Facebook Groups plan required? No  
Are any special account permissions required? Yes Learn more about Facebook Groups' account permissions.
Are there usage limits? Not applicable  
Are there pagination limits? Yes If you manage more than 25 Facebook Groups, click Load More to load more Facebook Groups in the Zap editor.
Do trigger samples use real data from your account or generic data? Real sample data  
Are custom fields supported? Not applicable  
Do update actions overwrite or append to existing data? Not applicable  
Is there any additional info? Yes The New Posts trigger will only run on posts approved by group admins, not pending posts. 

Isn't there any way to post to groups without being an admin?

Other automation applications allow it. How odd.

Any possible solution to this?


Thank for the answer

Hey there @nahuelta22 , I did some digging and it doesn’t appear so. On the Facebook side as well it looks like only admins & moderators can do certain actions like schedule posts as well:


If there is any way you could be added as an admin to your group, it seems like that is the best bet you’ll have at this point. Sorry I couldn’t bring about better news this go- around, but let us know if you have any other questions. 


Best- Rachael

Hey folks 👋

I wanted to swing by here with a quick update on the Facebook Groups app

As a result of the upcoming changes to the Facebook Groups API, the Facebook Groups app on Zapier will be no longer usable from April 22, 2024.

Any zaps using Facebook Groups triggers or actions are expected to stop working on that day. You can learn more about this here: App update: Facebook Groups app removal

Please do reach out in Community if you have any questions in the meantime. 🧡
