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Podio date field missing, unable to create Google Calendar item

  • 14 May 2024
  • 5 replies

I am trying to make my very first Zap and am having a hell of a time!  I have hooked up my Podio account and tested.  All good.  I have hooked up my Google Calendar account and tested.. all good!

I am simply trying to create a Google Calendar appointment item from a Podio item when it is updated. 

Some of the date fields in my Podio HQ app show up in Zapier.. but not all of them.. and most especially NOT the one I need.  ???  I have spent a lot of my morning trying all sorts of stuff to try and remedy.  No success.  Very frustrated! 

Anyone have any advice?  Thank you. 

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Scott A 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Hey @Scott A 

I had the same issue trying to do the exact same thing just now. For some odd reason Podio doesn’t pass the field’s title to Zapier, just generically calls it “Fields Date Time...”


The way I was able to even find this out was creating a test item with a specific time and searching for the time itself.


Then repeating that for the “Create Detailed Event” GCal Zap step.

Hope this helps!

WOW!!!  Was that ever painful!! 

It’s my very first Zap.. so I am getting used to how the system “does what it does” AND having to navigate this whole… it doesn’t bring the field name across.  I never would have gotten this however if you hadn’t given me the hints you did.  Even then, it was painful to test/find/test/etc.  THANK YOU D3Hub!!!



@D3 Hub - would you happen to have also created an update zap.  ie: if I change the date or time in the Podio item date field, it updates it in Google Calendar too?  I started building this one and AGAIN.. nothing but field issues.  It no longer shows the same fields I was able to find last time.  No date fields at all.  

AND, do I use a ‘Find Event (Legacy)’ block.. or do I use the ‘Update Event...” block.  ???  

AND - how do I go about finding the fields again in this scenario as it seems to have changed?

If you’ve skinned this cat too… any screenshots would be most appreciated. 

Thank you so much - scott

ly different ones.

It seems to me you’re on the right track. You need to find the event you’re looking for in GCal then update it with the new date values. How you find it is the trick, I’ve used highly specific event titles in the past.
