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Permissions issue with Microsoft Teams Event selection in Zapier integration.

  • 22 May 2024
  • 6 replies


I’ve set up a webinar using Microsoft Teams Webinar. The webinar has a registration form. I’m trying to set up a Zap so that when a form is completed on Teams it completes a form on Kajabi. 

My Zapier account is connected to Teams so I can set up a Zap using Teams. However, when I select “Microsoft Teams Event,” it says I don’t have the permissions. Below is the Zap I built


This is the error I receive


I have all the admin permissions so I’m trying to figure out - is this not possible because Microsoft Teams Events is still in Beta mode? If it is possible, is there something that solves the wonky permission setting for “Events” that I don’t have an issue with on regular Teams?

thank you!

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @TridentMo 

Did you try connecting MS Teams Events with the admin account?


Another tip to try...


Userlevel 1

Thank you for responding!

Is that a separate login? I went to but it won’t log in. Do I need to connect it that way? I’m a Teams admin but not the IT manager. My IT manager gave me all the Teams permissions but it’s not connecting. 

I also tried using a different browser (Using Chrome and switched to Safari) without luck. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You may need to have your IT Manager check the warnings you are receiving when trying to connect to determine if additional settings/permissions need to be adjusted.

Userlevel 1

@Troy Tessalone Thanks! The IT manager checked and everything is good on the admin side. It’s worth noting that I have Teams and Zapier connected without issue. I created a test trigger using “Microsoft Teams” and not “Microsoft Teams Events” and the test went through without any issue. The issue is when I try to create a zap using “Microsoft Teams Events” that it’s giving me the error. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support for possible guidance:

Userlevel 1

@Troy Tessalone will do - thank you!
