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Hi everyone, 

Here’s the context :

My company centralises its workspace on a no-code ERP called TimeTonic.
The company creates its invoices on TimeTonic
I created an automation, directly with TimeTonic, to duplicate this invoice on the Pennylane invoicing tool.

My aim is to get feedback from Pennylane to TimeTonic to find out whether the invoice has been paid.

The problem is that on the Pennylane side via Zapier, the trigger is only done on the creation of an invoice, you can't trigger on an invoice modification.

Anyone has a solution ?

Hi @SI Caldya 

You would likely have to use the Pennylane API to get updated data about an invoice



Hi @SI Caldya,

It looks like our Support Team created a feature request on your behalf to support the Updated Invoice trigger.

In the meantime, if the Pennylane API supports the updated invoice in their API docs I’d recommend using Webhooks by Zapier as a workaround.

​Just to be upfront, Webhooks by Zapier is considered an advanced feature, so our support for it may be more limited. Not because we don't want to help, but because APIs can be so different and each request can be so unique. This makes it hard for us to know why the request may be receiving errors or not working as expected. 

Hopefully, this helps.
