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PDF Monkey integration stopped including payload

  • 13 December 2022
  • 2 replies

I have an integration using the older PDF Monkey integration (3.2.0). I’m using this to send custom generated reports associated with a customer. When a document is generated, this includes full payload data. This allows me to know where to email the report to as well as customise the email body.

It seems this integration is deprecated (it still works in the editor but zaps become unpublished using it). The current version has no associated data for the PDF (the documents still have the payload data at PDFMonkey website). How is PDF to email meant to work in this case?

 old version:

new version:


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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Fluxus 

Good question.

After updating your Zap to use the newest version of PDF Monkey did you test each Zap step again?

Help article about how to change your trigger data:

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @Fluxus! Thanks so much for reaching out in the community. Great question - I had to do some heavy digging myself.

I wanted to start off with mentioning this particular app is owned and maintained by the team at PDFMonkey. The good news is they’ve created some great resources on their Zapier integration and how to navigate specific setups:

It looks like in, “Reacting to generated documents in Zapier” they mention:

Leveraging meta-data

The Document exposed by the trigger will not contain your payload. If you need any information in the following actions, we recommend adding them to the Document’s meta-data.

So it does appear the change was intentional.

That said, it sounds like they’ve recommend webhooks to retrieve the data you’re after.

Here’s a few more resources on Webhooks by Zapier in case it’s useful but I imagine if you were parsing data in the deprecated app you should be good:

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other questions - we’re always happy to lend a hand however we can. 🙂