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Hello all.

I’ve done a zap that connects TikTok Ads lead gen with webhooks through paths.

The problem is that some paths that should have run, did not, even conditions on it were met.

This is the zap:


This only happens at the right path (3rd), the other 2 works fine.



key: 247246901__¿Cuánta deuda tienes acumulada?

value: Más de 20.000€


did_pass: false

sample: Más de 20.000€


What’s going on here?

Hi there @Closa,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

I've noticed that your path C is a duplicate of path B. Copying paths can sometimes cause issues. Could you please delete the duplicated path and create a new one without copying the previous path?

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!

Hi there @Closa,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

I've noticed that your path C is a duplicate of path B. Copying paths can sometimes cause issues. Could you please delete the duplicated path and create a new one without copying the previous path?

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!

Hello, @ken

I just tried the solution proposed. Created a new path so we can avoid path copying issues. 


After creating a new path, issues remain unsolved, path C won’t trigger.


Hi @Closa 

The mapped variable has a ( ! ) which indicate a potential issue with the mapped variable and may need to be remapped.


In the Zap Runs history, check the DATA IN for a Filter:


Hello, @Troy Tessalone .

Thanks for throwing in that insight. I didn’t catch it at first glance.


Yet, after following @ken.a suggestion, ( ! ) dissapeared. But the path is still not working.



Hi @Closa 👋

That’s very odd, it looks as though the path should have found a match as those values appear to be the same:

I wonder if either the Cuanta Deuda Tienes Acumulada field or the Path field where the value is entered contains an additional space character that’s preventing it from finding an exact match. 🤔

If you change the rule condition from (Text) Exactly matches to (Text) Contains instead, does that allow if to correctly match the value in that field?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Hello @SamB.


This definitely made this work. Thank you very much.

I put (Text) Contains: Más and it passed through the path.

I double checked the space character, but there was no additional character hidden.

So this must be a existing bug in Paths by Zapier.  I recommend someone to look at this, because for me it’s solved but there may be other people experiencing errors too.

Thank you @ken.a and @Troy Tessalone too.


Yay! Thanks for confirming that did the trick here @Closa🎉

It could well be a bug! We’re not able to open up a bug report on your behalf from our side but if you reach out to the Support team to flag this as a potential bug they’ll be able to dig into the logs for your Zap to confirm and can open up a bug report where necessary. You can do that here:

If you run into any further issues or questions at all do let us know. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️
