We just switched our account over to a team account and are running into this issue. Everything was working great until the switch.
We are doing something different and looking up prospects before adding them to a list in the 4th step. We continue to get error code 109, Failed to find or create a prospect in Pardot.
This is the same record I have used for testing for over a year now, and it is definitely in Pardot. I have also tried testing with other records that are Pardot, and I continue to get this error. Then, I tried testing with a contact that is not in Pardot and got an error message that it was unable to create a contact.
I’m assuming the connection with Pardot is messed up, even though it was just reestablished last week. The Pardot account owner has admin rights in both zapier and Pardot.
Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated!