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Only one Zap will work


I’ve created 4 simple 1 step Zaps (all are testing fine). However, when in a live enviroment it will only allow 1 Zap to work at any one time. For example, the one that will work is picking up a website submission form and sending the data to klaviyo, none of the other 3 then run. 

If I turn the Klaviyo Zap off and complete the website submission form, a different zap will work (creating a draft email in Gmail) but still the other 2 won’t work. 

It’s only allowing one Zap to work at a time, as anybody else experienced this? 

Thank you, 

Hi @foliageandfaux 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured.

Hi @Troy Tessalone thank you for coming back to me. 

I’ve attached the screenshots. I would like all of them to work, however, only one will work at a time. You can see from the logs that one works and the others don’t the gmail one only ran when I turned of the klaviyo zap. Otherwise, the Klaviyo zap happens and none of the others run. Thank you!! 


Help articles for using Squarespace in Zaps:

I’ve always found the Squarespace Zap app to be a bit wonky and unreliable to get working as expected.

If the 3 Zaps triggered from Squarespace use the same Squarespace Form, then that may be the issue.

Instead, try using 1 Zap with multiple action steps or Paths.

Hi there @foliageandfaux,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

I just came across your post here and wanted to check in here to see how you’re getting on. Are you still running into the same issue here? If so, please let us know and we’re happy to assist further! 🤗

Hey @ken.a , thank you for reaching out. 

Yes we still have the same issue, I don’t know if it’s because I cannot use the enquiry form on Sqaurespace as a trigger for seperate Zaps? 

Ideally, we would like 4 Zaps to work. I’ve managed to make it so 2 Zaps work. The two that work are: 

Form Submission (Squarespace) > Create new profile (Klaviyo)
Create Contact (Hubspot) > Create new email (Gmail) (ideally, I’d like to create the contact in Hubspot via a Zap from the form submission but this won’t work, so I’m manually completing this at the moment) 

The two that won’t work are: 

Form Submission (Squarespace) > Create new deal (Hubspot)
Create new profile (Klaviyo) > Add profile to list (Klaviyo) 

Any help would be much appreciated - thank you! 


Hi @foliageandfaux,

Let’s tackle the issue one by one here. Regarding the Squarespace issue, it sounds like you're experiencing a bug with Squarespace Form App. This only occurs with users with read-only permissions, can you check what permission settings you have set in the account? 

I've added you to the affected users list, but I also have a workaround that you should be able to use! First, if you have Google Drive, you can update the storage for the form from Zapier to Google Drive like this:
(view larger)

This will connect your form responses to a spreadsheet on your Google Drive instead. Then, you'll just switch out the trigger step in your Zap from Squarespace to Google Sheets - New Row. It might be a good idea to try this in your testing Zap first! Once that trigger is changed, from there, you'll map the columns from Google Sheets, into the fields of the next step of your Zap.Would you like to try that and see if it does the trick?

Hi @ken.a , thank you for this - this appears to have works! Thank you. 

If there is anything you can do with the Klaviyo issue too, that would be great please :D 

That’s great to hear @foliageandfaux!

Regarding the Zap - Create new profile (Klaviyo) > Add profile to list (Klaviyo) issue, is the Zap not triggering after a new profile in Klaviyo has been created? If so, could you please try these for me:

  1. Turn off the Zap
  2. Reconnect your Klaviyo account in the “Apps” page here:
  3. Turn on the Zap
  4. Trigger the Zap live and check the Zap History for new Zap runs.

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!
