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I’m setting up my first Zap and when I go to find the trigger I want, the only options that are showing up are landing pages I recently deleted, none that are currently on my Leadpages dashboard. So far I’ve tried unpublishing the landing page, and closing and re-opening the websites, but I’m new to all of this and haven’t got a clue what else to try… thx!

Try to refresh the data of trigger it shows you the previous data.

The same options come back after a refresh.

Did you create form in leadpages?
if you share me the screen shot it will be easy to understand.

Thank you for your help - I figured it out! 
I think the problem was that the forms were mine but they were somehow renamed so I was confused. I’m still not entirely sure which one was which, but I found the one I was looking for and kept going… so hopefully next time I’ll be able to find it quicker. I’m sure it makes sense in the long run, but there’s quite a learning curve to all this!!! Thanks again. 

@lisareesa Most Welcome.

If you need further help you can ask any time.
