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Hello everyone 


I’m trying to integrate Facebook Lead Ads (for business Admins) with Odoo. The goal here is : each time I get a new lead on one of my Facebook Ads forms, I want an oppotunity to be created in my odoo CRM, in a specific step.


Here is the main issue i run into : each time I try and connect Odoo, the authentification process works, but when i test it, it goes as below


Has anyone faced this issue before ? How have you solved it ?


Also to add complexity : I have different sub accounts in the same odoo CRM, so i want my zap to go in one of the specific subaccounts.


Anyone knows how that can be done ?


Thanks a bunch

Hi @Margaux DS 

Admin/owner permissions: Only works with instances that are hosted at and will not work for self-hosted instances.
For self-hosted instances, use the OpenERP integration.



Hi @Troy Tessalone ! 


Thank you very much for you answer and help.


Proceeded as suggested and got this error :


Plus, in the action menu, it doesn’t look like I can create a lead/opportunity in one specific subaccount, in only suggests to create one in the global DB.


Would you know more about that by any chance ?


Thanks in advance and again for your help 

Hi @Margaux DS 

The error indicates access denied which may be related to permissions.

You can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support for possible guidance:

I also encountered the same error


Hi @Margaux DS and @Navee,

I did some digging into this, and it seems like the error you’re running into when using the “Create Lead” action of Odoo CRM is a known bug.  Our team is aware of the issue and is working on a fix. I've added your email addresses as another affected members. That does a few things:

  • Bring this to the attention of the integration developers
  • Help track and prioritize fixes
  • Allows us to notify you via email if/when this is fixed

Unfortunately, I do not have an ETA, but I’ve added you to the list of users affected by this issue so we can let you know as soon as we have any updates.

I’m so sorry for the inconvenience that the bug has caused you.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.


I am encountering the same issue as described above. 

Failed to create a lead in Odoo CRM

Error: XML-RPC fault: Access Denied Console logs:


How/when will this be fixed?

Posting here as I am also experiencing the same error and would love a resolution.

Hi @alexandra.lara and @LOKOPAck,

I wanted to inform you that you have been added to the open bug report as another affected members. Unfortunately, there are no workarounds available for this issue at the moment. However, we will keep you updated via email once the bug has been fixed.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.

Hi there, 


Any news on this? I get the same error qhen creating a zap between Typeform and Odoo CRM.



Hi there @Ana Pereira 👋 

I’ve just checked on the bug report for these “XML-RPC fault: Access Denied Console logs” errors with the Odoo CRM and unfortunately it’s still unresolved. I’ve added you to the list of folks being impacted by this. While I can’t provide any estimates as to when it will be resolved by, adding you does help to increase it’s priority. You’ll receive an email from us once it’s fixed and we’ll be sure to share any news or workarounds we come across in the thread here! 🙂 

Good Afternoon, I am experiencing the same issue on our odoo hosted instance. Can I please be added to the list for information updates and as a known user with the issue? Thank you!

Hi @Overtone Acoustics,


I’ve added you to the list of affected users, and we’ll notify you via email once an update is readily available. Thanks.

Hi @JammerS @SamB @ken.a @Troy Tessalone ! Any updates on the open ticket from six months ago about this issue ? I'm facing the same problem. If it’s not resolved, can you provide more info about its current stage? Also, has anyone in the community found a solution? Thanks!

Hi @majed, thanks for reaching out here! 🙂

I’ve checked on the bug report and there’s no further updates, or an ETA on when it will be resolved, that I can share here unfortunately. I’ve added you to the list of folks being affected by this to help bump up it’s priority and allow us to notify you as soon as it’s been resolved.

Very sorry for the less than ideal news on this. There’s no reported workarounds at present but I’ll definitely share details of any I come across in the thread here. Thanks for everyone’s continued patience here in the meantime, it’s much appreciated.


Waow, months later and the problem is still there… Is it on Odoo side or Zapier side?

Can you add me the list of affected people? I just put my customer on Zapier to make the sync.

Hi @Astianax 👋

The Odoo CRM app was built and is maintained by Zapier so it will be our own engineers that will need to investigate and implement a fix for these errors. I can’t provide any sort of estimate as to when this issue will be resolved but I’ve added you to the list so we’ll definitely reach out to you by email once it’s resolved. 

Really wish I had better news or at least a workaround to suggest right now. I’ll definitely keep everyone posted on any news on this issue here. I know how badly this must be impacting everyone’s workflows and do hope it can be resolved soon. If there’s anything further we can assist with in the meantime please do let us know! 

Hi there, I’m experiencing the same issue on the Odoo CRM side.  Please add me to the list of affected people and provide updates.  I really appreciate your help

Thanks for letting us know that you’re being affected by this as well, @Deptawa923. I’ve added you to the list which will help to increase it’s priority and ensure that you’ll definitely get an email notification from us once it’s sorted.

This is a really long list. Solving the problem is better than adding other people to the list .


Thanks for reaching back out here @majed.

I totally understand where you're coming from and solving the problem is the ultimate goal here. The list helps us track how many are affected, which in turn helps the developers prioritize and address the issue more effectively. Though I should also note that the number of folks affected isn’t the only factor taken into consideration when prioritizing issues, there’s also things like the severity of the issue and the complexity of the fix etc.

I understand how frustrating it is to wait for a fix and really appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding in the meantime.


I am encountering the same issue as described above. 
Has anyone in the community found a solution?


We have the same issue. I guess, this issue is not yet resolved.

Hi there @Bassel Kayali and @innosightltd 👋

I’m really sorry that you both are also getting these “XML-RPC fault: Access Denied Console logs” errors. I’ve added you both to the list to help increase it’s priority further, and we’ll be in touch via email as soon as it’s sorted.

I’ve checked again and can’t see any workarounds reported but I looked into Odoo’s current pricing plans and it looks like the use of their External API is only available on their Custom plan. Which got me wondering if these errors might be due to a limitation regarding the Odoo plan for the connected account. 🤔

Can anyone here confirm if they have an Odoo account that’s been connected which is on their Custom plan but is still receiving these errors? 

Hi @SamB, Thank you for your reply.

To avoid any loss of time on this hypothesis, I have the Custom plan from Odoo.

Thanks for confirming that @Bassel Kayali. In that case, are there any security settings or firewalls that might be preventing Zapier’s access? 

I’d recommend reaching out to Odoo's Support team directly to see if they’re able to help identify the cause for access to be denied. Please do keep us updated on how you get on with them!
