・Notion 上のページをお気に入りにした際に、特定のページ内のデータベースにお気に入りにしたNotion ページの URL を入れたいです。
Moderator edit to include Google Translation of original message:
・When I bookmark a page on Notion, I want to put the URL of the bookmarked Notion page into the database on a specific page.
・I tried to solve the above with a Zapier connection.
・I can confirm the connection on both Notion and Zapier.
・The connected page is a Notion page with a database.
・I selected a new database item in the trigger settings and proceeded to connect my Notion account and connect the database.
・The settings are checked green, but when I test run it, the following error occurs.
Test the trigger
Search for recent database items in your account to make sure the trigger is set up correctly.
Please do not reveal your solution.
I also deleted and reconnected the connection, and Zapier's edit permissions are active for the target page in Notion.