I have created a zap which takes ‘Purchase Order’ data and creates a record in Salesforce custom object ‘Orders’. SO when I create a record for ‘Purchase Order’ line items the record data are coming as one record. E.g. If there are 3 line Item records with field ‘amount’. The amount is coming for 3 records as “120,234,45”. The data is coming as one record and when I create a record in Salesforce using Zapier the ‘Amount’ is showing as ‘12023445’.
You can see in the above image what the values are coming as.
So my question can anybody help me with creating line items related to custom Order object?
I have multiple fields with the same combined data like Quantity, Description,Payment Type etc.
P.S. I want to make it dynamic because not every time the number of line items related to an Order will be same.