
Not able to call Assistant functions from a Zap

  • 11 January 2024
  • 1 reply


The Zap action for ChatGPT Create Assistant doesn’t have options for Functions, but the OpenAI Assistant builder does.

Your Assistant can be used in the Zap action: ChatGPT - Conversation with Assistant

So it may be possible to configure the function in ChatGPT, then use the Assistant in a Zap, and have the configured function work. (tbd)








When a define functions from OpenAI Assistant interface and I run in Zapier the action  “Conversation with Assistant in ChatGPT”

  • If the Assistant reply with text message then I receive the answer
  • if the Assistant call a function then I have 504 error message

Functions call does not seem to be enable in the list of tools we can use from zapier.

Anyone managed to call functions in the Assistant from zapier ?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
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Hey @UlysseA. welcome to the Community! 🎉

Hope you don’t mind but I’ve moved your post here out into a new topic since it appears to relate to the Conversation with Assistant action rather than the Create an Assistant action that was being discussed in the previous topic.

Can you elaborate on which functions you’re wanting to use with that action?

And can you please share a screenshot showing what fields and settings have been selected in the Action section of the Conversation with Assistant action? I’d like to take a look at that to see if there’s anything on the setup that might be causing the issue here. Remember to remove/hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from any screenshots before sharing.

Also if you could share the full error message you’re seeing in the Zap that would be much appreciated. Hoping there may be a clue in the full error message that may help us to identify what the cause of the issue is. 

Thanks for your assistance on this, looking forward to hearing from you! 
