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Hello Community,

I have a problem here that is driving me to despair. Preliminary information. The e-mail trigger categorizes the attachment via CHatGPT and uploads it to Drive and from Drive to Lexoffice.

I can also see in the Zap History that all 3 Taks have been executed and there is no error, according to Zapier. 
My attachment in the filtered email is also uploaded to Drive without any problems.

But it is not uploaded to Lexoffice. 

As I said, Zap's history shows that the tasks have been performed successfully.

Has anyone ever had this problem?


Hi ​@LuckyLuQe, welcome to the Community! 👋

I’ve taken a look at our internal notes regarding the LexOffice integration, and there are a couple of reasons why this might happen:

  1. A file can only be uploaded once because of their duplicate check. This means recurring uploads of the same file will return the same file id in the response, and no new file will be uploaded.
  2. The file upload needs to have the file including filename extension to work. A file can be only of type PDF, PNG and JPG and must not exceed a file size of 2MB. You can find the uploaded files by using this permalink: All the uploaded and not already further processed files will be shown there.

Do the files meet all the requirements above? If not, then that is the reason why the step is marked as successful, even though the file is not uploaded.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
