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New Stripe customers not being added into Brevo

  • 20 August 2024
  • 8 replies

Hello everybody, I am trying since tweo weeks to get that run: Stripe: New Customer to brevo email list, list identified, from brevo (this i autmatised in brevo) as soon the new email is in that sppecified list, an email is been sent.


SO the problem here: I am just able to run that with an already paid or already happened charge afterwards manual. then all is working. but when i am testing it with a new payment it is again not working. nothing.

also my bill is not send through stripe, there is always an error coming


thank you, 


Hey @Amina ,


Can you share the screenshot of your Zap?


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This post has been edited by a moderator to remove personal information. Please remember that this is a public forum and to remove any sensitive information prior to posting.



Can you change Stripe trigger event to something like New charge or New payment and than retest? 

With that I started. Same problem. 

Hi and welcome to the Community @Amina👋

SO the problem here: I am just able to run that with an already paid or already happened charge afterwards manual. then all is working. but when i am testing it with a new payment it is again not working. nothing.

It’s very odd that the New Customer trigger is only triggering for existing customers and not new customers that are making a payment. The New Customer trigger should run whenever a new customer is added in Stripe. Is the Zap switched on and failing to trigger or is it failing to pull through new customers when testing in the Zap editor?

also my bill is not send through stripe, there is always an error coming

Can you share a screenshot of the error message you’re seeing? Or is it more that the error is that the Zap isn’t triggering, or a contact isn’t being added/updated in Brevo? If you can share some further details or screenshots to help give us a bit more context on what the error is we’ll be happy to advise further. Please remove/hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from any screenshots before sharing.

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!

Hi, i am not able to take a email insert fields, i am jsut able to choose from already charged ones, thats why it is not regulary working like an automatation. it is on, and i did a lot of tests . it is still  a problem unsolved. the stripe thing i managed already. thank you

Thanks for getting back to me @Amina.

I’m sorry but I’m not entirely sure what you mean by “i am not able to take a email insert fields, i am jsut able to choose from already charged ones” are you referring to the placeholder email addresses in the email fields when mapping fields

I can see you also reached out to our Support team about this but it doesn’t look like you’ve replied to their latest message. I’ll share a copy of the key information from it here in case it’s helpful to others running into similar issues: 

I understand that you are having trouble with the third step of the process where you need to select the email field from the Stripe trigger in the 'Email Address' field in the Brevo action.
The data you map to the Brevo Email field is essentially a placeholder. This placeholder will be filled with actual email data whenever a new Stripe charge triggers the Zap. Therefore, even if you initially use an email from a previous charge during the setup, the automation should work with new emails on subsequent runs.
If you continue to experience problems, please provide more specific details or error messages, so we can provide more targeted assistance.

Did their response help to fully resolve things? 

If not, can give us a bit more detail as to what isn’t working exactly to help me understand the issue. For example is it that the Add/Update Contact action isn’t correctly adding the new contacts in Brevo to the list, but it’s adding existing contacts to the list?  
