
New lines are showing up on my Google Sheet, but not all leads are being added.

  • 25 July 2023
  • 3 replies

I am geTting new lines on my google sheet , but not all LEADS ARE SHOWING UP ON THE GOOGLE SPREDSHEET 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Welcome to the Community, @IDANG! 🎉

It sounds like the Zap is triggering for some new leads and adding them to the Google Sheet, but it’s not triggering for all leads so some leads are missing from the spreadsheet. If so, is there any common difference between the leads that are triggering the Zap and those that are? 

If not, is it more that the Zap is triggering for all leads but is not always adding the lead to the spreadsheet? In which case are you seeing any errors in the Zap History? If so, please can you share a screenshot of the full error message here? Please remove/hide any private information from the screenshot before sharing (like names, email addresses etc.).

Also, which app is being used as the trigger for the Zap currently? 

If you can share some further details here we’ll be better able to help troubleshoot this. Looking forward to hearing from you! 

Hi Sam 

I do have errors messages 


Unable to get a value when looking for "rows". Is it empty or missing?


Run ID: 00ef779e-80a6-afe1-9131-1c300b02fce1



























Fields with no value:


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks for getting back to me here, @IDANG

It looks like you’ve also reached out to our Support team about this and they were able to identify the reason why the lead information isn’t being added to the Google Sheets spreadsheet. I’ll share the relevant details from their response in case it’s helpful: 

I've taken a look at the Zap Run you sent over and the error from Google Sheets occurred because there were no values provided to create a new row:
view larger
The Google Sheets step is expecting values from the fields highlighted above however the webhook provided values in different fields.
Are you able to modify the service sending the webhook to ensure they send values in the same fields each time such as "fields[email][value]"?

Hope that helps to get you pointed in the right direction. If you have any follow up questions on their response it would be best to continue the conversation with Support directly by replying to their last email. They’ll be able to reference the logs for your Zap and advise on any further changes that might need to be made. 🙂
